Feb 2, 2011

Pillow Talk

Emily Kastrul @ Pal's Clubhouse

Emily plays accordion for acoustic shanty-grass outfit Dapper Cadavers.  She told me that their name was influenced by a musician named Calvin Johnson.  Word is one of the band members had a brief fling with him and was inspired to name the band Dapper Cadavers in honor of their sordid affair*.  I don't know how true this is, because why would a twee-punk legend be hooking up with a doey-eyed chula from Portland, OR who plays fiddle or whatever in a barefoot hippie jugband?  Hmmm... I guess when worded like that it's somewhat plausible. 

If this is in fact true, the whole nature of Calvin Johnson's pillow talk is called into question.  Is he a hopeless romantic:  "Fair mistress, the sun betwixt the sheets and your alabaster frame, asparks desire from without this befuddled heart:  This apple -john.  Like a dapper cadaver, I am slave to the earth, my nurse and to your embrace."  Or is his pillow talk more in the vein of a Dickensian U.K. prick?  "Oi, Another bunk-up, eh bird?  She's lookin like a dapper cadaver with that here hairy-axe wound she is."  

I don't know why I imagine this guy to be British, he's actually from Seattle:  "Baby, consumer America is just a dapper cadaver compared to this junk I scored on Capitol Hill last niiiiiiiiiiiigh...."  

Okay, I'm done.  That concludes today's episode of Indie-Pop Celebrity Pillow Talk.  Good night and good...  Wait one minute!  THIS JUST IN!!!!!!

From Emily K. via e-mail 

"Calvin Johnson had taken home a former roommate of the band members, not actually anyone in the band. I think he's pretty well known for sleeping with younger women... Anyway, we'd been trying to find a name (among names that didn't work include Bone Dry Shoe, which was seen on a sign in Olympia, and another name that none of us could pronounce properly but sounded really steampunk), and she suggested The Dapper Cadavers, after a lyric in one of his songs."

My apologies for the mix-up Emily!  I am still apt to believe that Calvin Johnson uses the term "dapper cadaver" in his pillow talk and/or exquisite seductions, but then again I still kind of believe that he's secretly British as well.     

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