Cerise @ Avalon Theatre
The interior of the Avalon Theatre is your brain on drugs. Take all the pretty lights, synthesizers, and digital hullabaloo from a regular arcade, throw it in a time machine and transport it back to Las Vegas circa 1985. Then add a bunch of creepy clowns, stir in some disgusting carpeting, and pepper it with a dash of lingering (yet inexplicable) unease and Voila! you have the dingy nickel arcade/movie-house known as Avalon Theatre a.k.a Electric Castle's Wunderland. It is the perfect place for hiding from ex-lovers, ether-induced freakouts, keeping warm when your homeless (movies just $2.75, yo!), or bug out to video games all day and win cheap plastic shit and snap poppers! Cerise and her friends, for instance, were there one dreary Sunday afternoon kicking ass at Galactix. Draped in ticket winnings, they strategized on which games would maximize their winnings, so that they could afford a giant bouncy ball with a smiley face on it (875 Avalon Dollars). They could not hide the frenzy in their eyes! If The Gipper were still alive he would declare a war on Avalon Theatre. Either that or he would spend the afternoon playing Big Buck Hunter, so that he could win an oversized Crayola Crayon Balloon.
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