Mar 6, 2011


Lauren Hudgins @ Planned Parenthood (3727 MLK Blvd) 

"Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!".  Sadly, this Simpson's quote is still relevant in 2011.   In February, the House of Representatives voted to discontinue funding for Planned Parenthood, mostly due to the contentious issue of using taxpayer dollars to fund an abortion provider.   This reactionary measure not only oversimplifies a complex and deeply personal issue, but misses the point of Planned Parenthood entirely.  Planned Parenthood provides abortions, yes, but they also provide resources to prevent unplanned pregnancy, as well as prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and provide sexual education and support in general.  Cutting funding for Planned Parenthood will increase unwanted pregnancies, will increase the spread of STDs, and will ultimately increase abortions.     It is time for some politicians to stop pretending that abortions didn't exist before The Summer of Love and that sex doesn't exist at all.  We all make mistakes... sometimes that mistake is an unplanned pregnancy or unprotected sex.  Planned Parenthood is there to prevent these mistakes, but also provide support, prevention, and education that helps us make healthier and more responsible choices with our lives moving forward.  

Citizen journalist, Lauren Hudgins of Describe the Ruckus, was one of the hundreds of women and men that showed up outside Planned Parenthood on MLK to show support for the clinic.  The physical presence of supporters of different sexes, genders, income levels, even political affiliations (yes some Republicans do support Planned Parenthood!) was incredibly inspirational.  As this issue moves toward the Senate, please show support for sexual health and social responsibility.  Please stand with Planned Parenthood.  The less resources there are for health education and clinical treatment, the more everybody will suffer in the long run.  

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