Jun 5, 2011


Mike Midlo @ LaurelThirst Pub

Mike Midlo is a busy man.  He is currently working on a "folk-opera", fronting the (awesome & authentic) roots-rock American band, Pancake Breakfast, and delving into his id through his newfound interest in writing heavy rock songs.  The cards he chose (3 of Pentacles, 10 of Swords, and The High Priestess) suggested that the onset of new challenges & expectations is conflicting with his creative process perpetuating the eternally frustrating condition of "writer's block".  Fortunately, respite, and ultimately inspiration, could be achieved by giving himself over to silence, to mystery, and to nature.  "I don't believe in Tarot cards," he confided, "But that's pretty accurate.  I'm heading up to Wallula in a few weeks to get away from everything and work on new songs."  For a folkie like Mike, the muse is revealed in nature's cadence.  It is evident that the songs he sings were heard in the absence of machinery, an expression of truth that undercuts the myth of progress and reminds us of the world's songs, the authenticity that is so rare to find in the monotony of urban life.