Wimmy the Cat @ Stranger Constellation HQ (LOL Division)
OMG! It's a cat that can has tarot cards!!! WTF? LOL! Someone please retweet this for me, because I'm lolling my ass off right now! It's funny because it's a picture of a cat sitting in a chair, posing with tarot cards just like he's a person! Hahaha! HahahOUCH! I'm lolling so loud that I fell onto the floor and am now rolling around on the floor laughing out loud!
April Fool! I'm not really rolling on the floor laughing out loud and Wimmy didn't really pick out these cards either (the front card has a picture of a cat on it!). To get him to sit still, I rubbed his belly until he was docile. Since he flops around like a big doofus, it took a lot of bellyrubbing to lull (lol?) him into this hilarious pose. Wimmy is a funny, friendly cat but he is also kinda dumbass: He spends his days eating and flopping. He is AFRAID of mice. He also pees on the couch and chews the cord on my cell phone charger. While I was writing this blog, he almost fell out the window because a loud noise spooked him. He is special, that cat, so I have put him on teh internets to April Fool you 4evr.
you're too awesome. i cannot stand it.