Mar 28, 2011


Osiris @ Crown Room

Osiris holds down the dance floor at The Crown Room, hitting up the club a few times a week to get his symmetry flowing.  He has this one style that I call "the chill robot".  If you have a goofy uncle or a friend who has seen Napoleon Dynamite one too many times you have probably seen some version of The Robot.  This style Osiris mixes the robot with tutting, but chills it out, so it's not so rigid; it's geometric for sure, consciously symmetrical, but with none of the energy getting hung up in right angles.  It was very, very cool and I started to wonder if I could somehow use my camera's long exposure to depict "the chill robot" on film.  It was an ambitious thought and I definitely failed.  The plan was for him to stand perfectly still while I took the initial picture and then, after the flash bulb went off, I would continue to expose the film while he danced.  I must not have clarified which dance I was hoping to photograph though, because when the bulb popped, he exploded with excitement and started popping and locking and bouncing around the room while I followed him with the camera!  It must have been what he was feeling at the time.  I really like how the picture turned out regardless; to me it illustrates that synergy and energy that happens on the dance floor , that loss of identity that happens when you're really feeling it.  Osiris does it with qi to spare.      

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